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Catálogo de proyectos europeos

Este catálogo contiene información sobre proyectos internacionales de investigación exitosos, participados por investigadores de las Universidades Públicas Andaluzas.

El objetivo es recopilar experiencias de éxito para fomentar la colaboración de los grupos de investigación andaluces con otras entidades; la formación de consorcios internacionales e incrementar el número de proyectos europeos presentados. Como consecuencia, se persigue también dar visibilidad a la investigación realizada en nuestras universidades y aumentar el retorno de fondos de I+D+i para Andalucía.

Esperamos que la información que aquí encuentre sea de su interés.

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222 resultados

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Biobased geological CO2 storage ( CO2SolStock). (CO2SolStock) Universidad de Granada

This project aims at developing an emerging technology which consists of an alternative sustainable solution to reduce CO2 emissions from fossil fuel combustion. This objective fits the EU strategy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by developing an environmentally safe carbon ...

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Nanoporous Matal- Organic Frameworks for production. (NANOMOF) Universidad de Granada

The discovery of porous hybrid materials constructed from inorganic nodes and organic multifunctional linkers has established a new area of inorganic-organic hybrids with extraordinary performance. Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs) represent a novel class of nanoporous materials with extremely high specific surface ...

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European consortium on neutralising antibodies using gp41. (EURONEUT-41) Universidad de Granada

There is now an increasingly solid body of scientific evidence which demonstrates that the binding of small molecular weight compounds, peptides and antibodies (Abs) to fusion-intermediate conformations of gp41 leads to an inhibition of HIV cell entry. The principal aim ...

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HIRF synthetic environment. (HIRF-SE) Universidad de Granada

The HIRF SE research project has the goal of providing the aeronautics industry with a framework which can be used during the development phase to mitigate the EM aspects. In addition it will provide a considerable reduction in the certification/qualification ...

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Silicon-based nanostructures and nanodevices for long term nanoelectronics applications. (NANOSIL) Universidad de Granada

NANOSIL Network of Excellence aims to integrate at the European level the excellent European research laboratories and capabilities in order to strengthen scientific and technological excellence in the field of nanoelectronic materials and devices for terascale integrated circuits (ICs) and ...

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