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Catálogo de proyectos europeos

Este catálogo contiene información sobre proyectos internacionales de investigación exitosos, participados por investigadores de las Universidades Públicas Andaluzas.

El objetivo es recopilar experiencias de éxito para fomentar la colaboración de los grupos de investigación andaluces con otras entidades; la formación de consorcios internacionales e incrementar el número de proyectos europeos presentados. Como consecuencia, se persigue también dar visibilidad a la investigación realizada en nuestras universidades y aumentar el retorno de fondos de I+D+i para Andalucía.

Esperamos que la información que aquí encuentre sea de su interés.

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212 resultados

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Novel integrated water management systems for Southern European regions. (NOVIWAM) Universidad de Granada

Most countries in European Union are suffering severe water scarcity caused by a negative balance between water resources and water demands. A sustainable management of hydrological resources results totally necessary, as it is established by the European Water Framework Directive ...

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Enhancing literacy development in European languages. (ELDEL) Universidad de Granada

The scientific aims of the ELDEL project are: - to produce a model elucidating the relationships among psychological (psycholinguistic, cognitive) and environmental (orthographic, linguistic, educational/instructional, cultural) factors determining the development of literacy skills in European languages, and - to uncover ...

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Single-molecule fluorescence pulsed interleaved excitation, a novel tool to study biomolecular interactions.. (SMF-PIE) Universidad de Granada

During the last few years, single-molecule fluorescence (SMF) methodologies have revolutionized the accessible information on biomolecular complexes, molecular dynamics, and biological mechanisms. Novel and important structural and dynamic insights can be obtained by studying molecules one by one, particularly into ...

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Biotechnological recycle of olive mills washing water by microalgae. (ALGATEC) Universidad de Granada

The Algatec project plans to deliver an economic and effective system through an elegant combination of promising biotechnologies which effectively recycle olive mill wastewater using microalgae. 'It is important to stress that this research comes from the project's SMEs as ...

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Colloidal aspects of lipid digestion: the physics behind healthier food. (COLLODI) Universidad de Granada

An emerging application of colloidal science, due to the growing social and economic consequences of the obesity crisis in the developed world, is the design of healthier foods to control fat uptake in the diet. Consequently molecular mechanisms of digestion ...

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