Catálogo de proyectos europeos
Este catálogo contiene información sobre proyectos internacionales de investigación exitosos, participados por investigadores de las Universidades Públicas Andaluzas.
El objetivo es recopilar experiencias de éxito para fomentar la colaboración de los grupos de investigación andaluces con otras entidades; la formación de consorcios internacionales e incrementar el número de proyectos europeos presentados. Como consecuencia, se persigue también dar visibilidad a la investigación realizada en nuestras universidades y aumentar el retorno de fondos de I+D+i para Andalucía.
Esperamos que la información que aquí encuentre sea de su interés.
Por favor, no dude en contactar con nosotros en cualquier momento para cubrir sus demandas de cooperación en I+D+i.
212 resultadosIMPROVEMENT will develop, validate and demonstrate a system to turn public buildings into almost zero energy consumption buildings (nZeB) by including mirco-networks of generation combining warm, cold and electricity and conceive to respond to the SUDOE climate conditions. Therefore, the ...
Prohibited substances in sports encompass a large number of chemicals covering a wide range of structures and polarities, which makes it difficult their efficient simultaneous extraction from biological fluids. On the other hand, LC-MS/MS, suitable for detecting and quantifying a ...
Climate change is having a substantial negative impact on the agricultural industry, especially in southern Europe. Increased temperatures and change in precipitation patterns (longer dry periods and more heavy rainfalls) are having a detrimental impact on the livestock of farmers ...
Strawberry is fundamental crop for Mediterranean countries, the fruits have unique flavour and precious nutritional properties and their economic value is extremely high. Growing healthy strawberry using sustainable protection solutions that preserve the fruits quality and yield, and respect human ...
SHui is conceived as a network integrating long-term experiments of its 19 academic and SME partners across different environmental conditions and cropping systems in the EU and China. It provides a platform for research on soil-water resources management under water ...