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LEGumes for the Agriculture of Tomorrow. (LEGATO)

The project has been conceived to promote the culture of grain legumes in Europe by identifying priority issues currently limiting grain legume cultivation and devising solutions in term of novel varietal development, culture practices, and food uses. LEGATO will develop tools and resources to enable state of the art breeding methodology and to exploit fully the breadth of genetic resources available. The project will focus on a small number of key characters not previously explored in depth These topics covered include disease and pest resistance, where in addition to marker development for major fungal and viral pathogens, a focus on emerging insect pests is planned. The impact of end-of-season drought and heat stress on the rhizobial symbiosis, and its consequences for plant performance, will be studied. Two characters that can influence grain legume yield, autofertility and number of flowering nodes, will be investigated. The potential for improving legume nutritional and organoleptic quality by identification of desirable traits and innovative selection methods will be investigated. Promising legume varieties and cropping systems will be tested at a series of pan-european sites to favour the widest posible take-up in agricultura.

Universidad de Córdoba

Legume breeding and management for sustainable agriculture as well as protein supply for food and feed.

To design and assess the sustainability and adoption of novel cropping systems with grain legumes grown as sole crops or intercrops. To determine the effect of novel and diversified grain legume designs and management on production, yield stability, symbiotic performance and impact on biotic stresses in crop rotation sequences with grain legumes.To develop methods for rapid determination of the requirement for inoculation with Rhizobium leguminosarum in faba bean, including strain selection for inoculation.

[i] Modified MASC model adapted to the diversity of legume crops and crop management
[ii] Novel prototypes of cropping systems with grtain legumes and ranking of new cropping systems that appear acceptable and efficient for both stakeholders, farmers and collectors on a multi-criteria point of view.
[ii] Crop diversification for enhanced yield, yield stabilization and management of biotic stresses of grain legume based crops.
[iv] Assessment of the requirement for inoculation of faba bean.

The project will generate breeding and management tools to reinforce the cultivation of legumes in European agricultura. It will thereby increase the availability of legumes and diversify protein supply for food and feed purposes. At farming level, results will help to take advantage of the positive effects of legumes e.g. on soil fertility, N fixation and fertilizer substitution. Special emphasis will be placed on low input (e.g. pesticides and fertilisers), and organic
production systems, improved management of resources and novel food and feeds, and novel
plants with respect to their composition, resistance to stress, ecological effect,nutrient and water use efficiency, and architecture.

Agronomía de leguminosas

Code PAIDI: AGR-140

Rafael J. López-Bellido. Partner. 

Universidad de Córdoba

Budget of Andalusian group: € 215,003.20

Keywords: Pea / faba bean / breeding / food / feed / quality / biotic / abiotic / stress / genetics / genomics / environment / agronomy / phenotyping / rhizobium / intercropping / protein / selection / markers / ecophysiology / nitrogen/ roots
Duration: 48 months. January, 1th 2014 to December, 31th 2017
Project cost: € 6,882,280.00