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Coastal Governance and Adaptation Policies in the Mediterranean. (COASTGAP)

COASTGAP aims to capitalize Best Practices concerning adaptation and governance policies of the Mediterranean coastal zones with regard to CC effects and other natural/anthropogenic threats. COASTGAP comes from the cluster FACECOAST which gathers 14 projects from SPACE MED and other European programmes. To feed next programming period 2014-2020 with an operational and coherent thematic strategy, COASTGAP aims as well to design and prepare to launch the Macro-Project “BEACHMED-3”.

Universidad Pablo de Olavide

Official integration of the Guidelines in the EIA/SEA procedures of competent MED coastal Administrations.

To create a suitable and common toolbox for MED coastal management through the customisation, transfer and adoption of the selected operational BPs for the protection/planning of coastal zone to the MED Public Administrations dealing/competent (policy makers) with coastal management.

To widen the impact at MED basin of the Bologna Charter 2012 to foster the political willingness to implement
the Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) approach on coastal planning.

To set up a Macro-Project on coastal zone risk management at MED basin scale, effectively founded on the  concrete availability of the capitalized toolbox, to be provided at EU DGs in order to feed future actions and strategies for the next programming period 2014-2020 in relation to the pressing problem of MED coastal zone adaptation to climate change effects

Deep technical and consistency analyses, setting up a win-win relationship between Partners Proposing Best Practices (BP) and Partners Interested. This analyses aims to highlight and cope with technical and/or formal lacks of the BPs/outputs as regards to the needs and specific features raised up by partners/other Organisation involved.

Policy papers on coastal adaptation to climate change effects
Preliminary Plan of the Macro-Project "BEACHMED-3"
Plan of the Macro-Project "BEACHMED-3"
Feasibility study of the Macro-Project "BEACHMED-3"
Guidelines for EIA
SICELL: Littoral cells management system
Coastal Observatory
Bologna Charter 2012
COFLERMap: Coastal Flood Erosion Map
DIVA model in MED basin
Development of sustainable routes, Integrated Quality Model
Methodology for ICZM Protocol Art.8 "setback zone" implementation
PEGASO SDI and Geoportal for ICZM
Webcam Network
Decision Support System (D.S.S.) to determine the best defence planning

The overall aim of the proposal reinforces the impact of the achieved project results on territories by the capitalization of the Best Practices but as well by the promotion of an organic and far-seeing macro-initiative, multi-sectoral, integrated and open to the South-East bank of the Mediterranean basin.

Coastal Environments

Code PAIDI: RNM911

Fátima Navas Concha.  

Universidad Pablo de Olavide

Budget of Andalusian group: € 85.000,00

Directorate of Environment Lazio
Emilia-Romgna Region Dept. Environment, soil and coast defence
Department of Hérault
Region of East Macedonia and Thrace (REMTH)
Decentralized Administration of Crete
Region of Tuscany
Region Liguria
Ministry of Communications and Works of Cyprus - Department of Public Works
Universidad Pablo Olavide
University Autonoma of Barcelona
CETMEF - Centre for Technical Maritime and Waterways Studies
Christian-Albrechts University
Regional Development Agency of Split Dalmatia County (Public Institution RERASD for Coordination and Development of Split-Dalmatia County)
Dubrovnik Neretva County Regional Development Agency DUNEA

Keywords: Management, Natural resource, risk, coast
Duration: 18 months. July, 1th 2013 to December, 31th 2014
Project cost: € 1,360,000.00