Cross-border strengthening systems of forest fires prevention and extinction and improvement of the resources for rural employment generation in a pos-Covid scenario. (FIREPOCTEP)
FIREPOCTEP promotes climate change adaptation in a landscape scale of the territory, specifically on the analysis of forest fire risks by means of investments in resources focused in prevention and extinction strategies. Some demonstrative areas have been chosen both in Spain and Portugal, including cross-border ones.
FIREPOCTEP has six activities, covering actions from identifying and mapping forest fire risks, to management, prevention, and extinction of forest fires, along with people capacitation and capitalizing results of experiences and research.
-Promoting climate change adaptation and risk management and prevention.
-Increase of territorial resilience against cross-border natural risks.
University of Córdoba (UCO), one of the 21 partners of the project, participates in four of the six activities (with 9 researches fron different Departments), such as the identification and mapping of ZEG´s (Strategic Management Zones), along with prevention techniques as prescribed burns, demonstrative actions and formation of people in rural-urban interfaz, also defining main prevention activities contributing to rural employment, giving access to public participation. UCO coordinates one action, included in one of the activities, related to rural people awareness and formation about forest fire risks.
Ciencias y recursos forestales
Code PAIDI: RNM-227
Ricardo Zamora Díaz. Partner.
Universidad de Córdoba
Budget of Andalusian group: € 190,350.00