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LIFE agromitiga

Development of climate change mitigation strategies through carbon-smart agriculture. (LIFE AGROMITIGA)

LIFE AGROMITIGA will promote a low-carbon agricultural system, providing validated results applicable to EU commitments on climate global alliances. LIFE AGROMITIGA aims to decouple CO2 emissions regarding the use of raw materials and natural resources, through Conservation Agriculture. The project will highlight techniques that promote circular agrarian economy respectful to the environment, improver of natural capital and ecosystem services.

LIFE AGROMITIGA is based on the development of tools and actions that enhance mitigative capacity of soil as a carbon (C) sink. Through the development and adaptation of a validated methodology in the project, the impact of different agricultural practices will be assessed and mitigative capacity of soil management systems in the Mediterranean Basin will be quantified, in herbaceous and perennial crops. The main project implementation area will be the region of Andalusia, contemplating the extension to the Mediterranean Basin (GR, IT, PT).

This project will provide knowledge applicable to international programs about C credits, integrated in programs about reduction of GHG emissions, and data which will contribute to LULUCF accounting. The results will be applied to the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the 4×1000 Strategy and the Common Agricultural Policy. Furthermore, LIFE AGROMITIGA is aligned with the COM (2016) 500 final "Accelerating Europe's transition to a low-carbon economy".


Universidad de Córdoba

The project has the following objectives, which once reached, will be long lasting:

To improve the state of knowledge about the contents of C in agricultural soil.
To design and implement a method to calculate C footprint in the cultivation stage of crops, eligible for international verification standards and C footprint calculation.
To develop a technological tool to evaluate and quantify the increase of C in soils due to better soil management practices, as a basis for the development and monitoring of policies linked to climate change and emissions trading.
To demonstrate the ability of Conservation Agriculture to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the Mediterranean Basin.
To encourage the development of soil management systems that mitigate climate change, through training and raising awareness of stakeholders linked to agriculture.
To spread and transfer the experience and the soil management philosophy to similar Mediterranean areas.


As an action coordinator:

Action C.1: Implementation of best management practices and application of the methodology on a pilot scale (at Rabanales reference farm).

Action D.4: Monitoring the use of resources: greenhousegas emissions emissions in the network of demonstration farms at a regional scale.

As an action participant with other partners of the project:

Action A.1: Identification and definition of best management practices for mitigating climate change, and indicators for their evaluation and monitoring.

Action A.3: Selection of farms at regional level and signing of agreements with farmers.

Action D.7: Monitoring of the LIFE program indicators.

Action E.1: Communication and dissemination.

Action E.3: Transfer of technology activities at the national level.

Action F.1: Project coordination.


D.4. Annual summaries of GHG emissions on farms.

LIFE AGROMITIGA will develop climate change mitigation strategies. For that reason, a review of best practices based on Conservation Agriculture (CA) will be done. As a result, a fundamental and innovative part of the project will be developed: a protocol for quantifying C footprint during the cultivation stage of crops in different soil management systems.

Based on the solid source of knowledge generated in the project, it will be developed a methodology that will allow the agricultural sector to access C credit markets. Thanks to the proposed methodology, environmental policies in the EU on climate change and agriculture could be developed and promoted. As a support, a layer including information on the C in soils will be developed. It will be compatible with the digital database of the European Environment Agency.

Another result will be a report about how to increase C sink in soils whilst reducing GHG emissions in the project area, which will be useful for international programs as mentioned in the Objectives section. Moreover, a technological tool will be created, which will enable stakeholders, including farmers and technicians, to evaluate its practices regarding the C impact on soil. It is expected increase the soil C sink by 1 Mg ha-1yr-1 in both annual and permanent crops. As well, it will be possible to evaluate the excess of C generated in agriculture to offset emissions from other sectors.



Code PAIDI: AGR-126

Gregorio Blanco Roldán. Partner. 

Universidad de Córdoba

Budget of Andalusian group: € 312,175.00

Duration: 52 months. September, 15th 2018 to December, 31th 2022
Project cost: € 2,782,957.00