Proyecto de cooperación transfronteriza para la valorización de la Dehesa-Montado. (PRODEHESA MONTADO)
The dehesa/ montado, a transboundary agrosilvopastoral ecosystem without comparation in Europe, is in a serious crisis. It is also a very important tool, thanks to its services and products, in order to mitigate the climate change and the reduction of erosion in Europe.
The purpose of this Project is to promote necessary actions to value the dehesa both environmentally and economically from a sustainable point of view, through the creation of stable cooperation structures that promote the investment of companies in innovation, the development of synergies between companies (60,000), R+D and innovation centers, technology transfer, public service applications and the demand for dehesa´s products.
1 - Regulatory Framework of La Dehesa/Montado: Analysis of the regulatory framework
2 - Dehesa/Montado Environmental Assessment: Collection of information and assessment of environmental impact
3 - Identification and transfer of innovation for the production and management of products: Collection of information and adaptation, promotion and professionalization
4 - Valorization and marketing: Collection of information and adaptation, promotion and professionalization
5 - Management and coordination: management
6 - Communication: communication
The expected results are:
- Adequate specific regulatory framework.
- Creation of permanent work structures for technology transfer.
- Environmental valorization of the dehesa.
- Improvement of the GIS and the CENSUS of the dehesa.
- Unique UNESCO candidacy to declare the dehesa as a World Heritage Site.
- Consolidate a strategy, through a multitude of activities, for the cooperation of companies and research centers, promoting the transfer of results and innovation in products.
- Preparation of professionalization plans.
- Modeling of certification systems.
- Economic appreciation of the dehesa.
- Carry out dissemination, commercialization and marketing actions of the dehesa.
Producción Animal
Code PAIDI: AGR-195
Vicente Rodríguez Estévez . Partner.
Universidad de Córdoba
Budget of Andalusian group: € 152,583.75