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European Commission

Rural Water and Food Security. (PI RURAL)

The overall objective of the action is to support formulation and implementation of Chinese policies, legislation, standards and measures that will contribute enable better management, use and protection of groundwater resources and increased coverage of safe groundwater-based water supply in rural areas, thereby paving the way for European state-of-the-art business solutions and technologies.

Universidad de Córdoba

-Efficient management of EU grants for improved rural water and food security.
-Enabling Chinese policies, legislation and socio-economic priorities for sustainable water management, by efficient use, restoration and protection of groundwater resources in rural areas of China affected by water scarcity.
-Protection and restoration of groundwater dependent eco-systems in karst áreas.
-Integrated measures to protect groundwater quality against diffuse pollution from agriculture.
-Increased socio-economic efficiency in water allocation and use for irrigated agriculture (in areas with high competition for water).
-EU Water Technology Innovations applied to deliver safe groundwater-based domestic water supply in rural areas affected by groundwater pollution.
-Managerial and technological measures to restore severely depleted groundwater aquifers.

Rural Water and Food Security SFA will result in the establishment of sustained government, research and business partnerships between China and the EU on rural water and food security challenges. In the CEWP framework, the expected outcomes on Rural Water and Food Security may be summarised as follows:

- Policy Dialogue: Recommendations for improved policy coherence between rural water security, rural livelihoods and food security at all scales are identified and contribute to effective water governance.
- Governance: Capacity needs of local (and national) authorities to implement key policies through technical guidance on rural water and land use policies, governance instruments and new technologies are outlined and capacities improved.
- Research: Improved knowledge on rural water and food security: Knowledge on socio-economic aspects of water and food security is improved and streamlined between the EU and China in order to address measures optimising water demand, water supply, water use, improved rural livelihoods and improved food production and security.
- Taking research and innovation to the market: Improved research cooperation and strengthened business incentives: Strengthened cooperation on research and innovation between Europe and China in order to facilitate market entry of new water supply and food production technologies by involving all stake-holders including technology developers, decision makers, and investors.
- Networks: Comprehensive networks between EU and China are established enabling government-to-government exchanges, research coope-ration and business development.
- Interactive and mutual EU-China Policy Dialogue (LSA: Suggest to delete): Common understanding on policy recommendations is developed and joint projects are implemented within the Focus Area of water and energy security pro-actively involving governments, busi-nesses, and researchers in a comprehensive dialogue.

Water, Environmental and Agricultural Resources Economics (WEARE)

Code PAIDI: SEJ-592

Julio Berbel Vecino . Partner. 

Universidad de Córdoba

Budget of Andalusian group: € 85,923.00

Duration: 48 months. January, 1th 2018 to December, 31th 2021
Project cost: € 1,239,574.00