The overall objective of this project is to provide harmonized and validated sampling strategies, structured with International standards (e.g. ISO), to support the European policies for food safety and to be suitable for food producers, in order to collect comparative data to improve quantitative risk analysis of selected biological and chemical agents.
The overall objective of this project is to provide harmonized and validated sampling strategies, structured with International standards (e.g. ISO), to support the European policies for food safety and to be suitable for food producers, in order to collect comparative data to improve quantitative risk analysis of selected biological and chemical agents.
Two members of our research group HIBRO will act as leaders of selected tasks within WP5 and WP6. In particular, the contribution will be focused on the evaluation and the proposal of POs and FSOs in vegetal products, and the development of mathematical prediction models for different microbial hazards. The results will be integrated with different sampling plans, which allows the identification of those conditions, which will reduce the risk.
Sampling protocols, structured with ISO standard
The implementation and development of the new sampling schemes and analytical methods will provide new knowledge about the improvement of the food legislation and food safety in Europe, new data about emerging risks, comparative data for quantitative risk assessment, cost-effective, validated and harmonized alternate methods and sampling schemes applicable to food producers in all European countries , new or implemented models for early warning, including biological and chemical risks, identified in the food products under study as prediction variables.
Higiene Bromatológica (HIBRO)
Code PAIDI: AGR-170
Rosa María García Gimeno. Socio.
Universidad de Córdoba
Budget of Andalusian group: € 161,638.00