Smart and local reneWable Energy DISTRICT heating and cooling solutions for sustainable living. (WEDISTRICT)
The focus of WEDISTRICT is large-scale replication of best practice: better valorization of local resources, like renewable and waste heat by making District Heating and Cooling networks more efficient in relation to the use of new resources. In parallel, systems will evolve to provide even more flexible solutions by the integration of innovative molten-salts based thermal storage, the interaction with other energy networks (electricity and gas) and the involvement of end-users (operators and consumers) through ICT-based control and decision making.
The renewable air cooling unit proposed in WEDISTRICT, is a Desiccant Indirect Evaporative Renewable Cooling Unit, composed of an indirect evaporative cooler and a desiccant wheel that can independently control the air temperature and humidity in buildings, thereby optimizing indoor air conditions.
The overall objective of the project is to demonstrate district heating and cooling (DHC) as integrated solutions that exploit the combination of:
- Renewable energy sources.
- Thermal storage.
- Waste heat recycling technologies to satisfy 100% of the heating and cooling energy demand in new DHC and up to 60-100% in retrofitted DHC.
The University of Córdoba will be responsible for designing, manufacturing and testing an innovative renewable air cooling unit suitable for installation in a DHC. The idea is to take advantage of the thermal energy generated in a district heating to power an air cooling system, which has proved to work with low temperature coming from renewable energy sources.
D3.6. Air cooling technology development.
- A reduced dependency of district heating and/or cooling systems on fossil fuels.
- Reduced greenhouse gas emissions are expected.
- Reduced emissions of air pollutants.
- Improve the attractiveness of "renewable" district heating and/or cooling systems, especially in those EU countries where such systems currently have very limited or no application.
BIOSAHE (Biocombustibles y Sistemas de Ahorro Energético)
Code PAIDI: TEP-169
Manuel María Ruiz de Adana Santiago . Partner.
Universidad de Córdoba
Budget of Andalusian group: € 458,781.25